گروه انتشاراتی ققنوس | Symphony of the Dead
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Symphony of the Dead

Winner of the Suhrkamp Foundation Award
Book specifications
Writer عباس معروفی
Book Length 351
سال چاپ اول 1380
Book Cover Type شومیز
Nr of Edition 66
First Edition 1403
Book Size رقعی
Paper بالکی
National Library theme داستان‌های فارسی
Weight(gr) 221
ISBN 978-600-278-333-2
Audio Version دریافت کتاب صوتی
دانلود خلاصه کتاب /Content/Images/uploaded/sam.PDF
Manufacturer Qoqnoos Publishing

Human beings only live one half of their lives, I belonged to the first half and he, to the second half.


The one who has lived the first half of his life is a brother who tries to follow the father’s lead, a tyrannical and dictatorial father. And the one who has lived the second half, is the brother who is a poet and an intellectual, a young man who is the emblem of the Iranian contemporary intellectual generation.

The intellectual brother rebels against the corruption and immorality in family and society; then he falls in love. He tries to provide an atmosphere devoid of any inferiority and meanness in his loneliness. The other brother proceeds on and finally becomes just like his father.

The deep conflict and opposition between the two brothers continues on and finally...

The Novel is a narrative concerned with tradition and modernism. It’s a requiem for pain and grief in different layers of the society.

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