گروه انتشاراتی ققنوس | The Boy Who Loved Me
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The Boy Who Loved Me

پسرک دوچرخه‌سوار به سرعت از کنار دخترک دانش‌آموز رد می‌شد و می‌پرسید : « عروس مادر من می‌شی ؟ » دخترک هرگز به این سؤال پاسخ نمی‌داد . سکوت علامت رضا بود
Book specifications
Writer بلقیس سلیمانی
Nr of Edition 6
Book Length 104
Book Cover Type شومیز
Book Size رقعی
First Edition 1400
سال چاپ اول 1389
National Library theme داستان‌های فارسی
Paper Balk
Weight(gr) 112
ISBN 978-964-311-905-8
Audio Version دریافت کتاب صوتی
Manufacturer Qoqnoos Publishing

These flash fictions are short stories that, in a page or two, make such deep impacts that long novels may be incapable of. They are among the most effective Iranian ones. The cold-blooded narrator recounts war and poverty in the simplest form. She talks about the killed people whose bodies are lost, showing no sign of sympathy.

Using the minimum number of words, she makes a story out of a cheat, and in several lines transfers the sorrows of someone who is suffering from AIDS. The brevity of stories makes it easy to read them quickly, and the omnifarious subject matters are stunning.

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