گروه انتشاراتی ققنوس | Hostility


Book specifications
Writer سلمان امین
Nr of Edition 2
Book Length 232
Book Size رقعی
Book Cover Type شومیز
First Edition 1399
سال چاپ اول 1395
National Library theme داستان‌های فارسی
Paper Balk
Weight(gr) 239
ISBN 978-600-278-312-7
Manufacturer Qoqnoos Publishing

This novel is the story of abortive love. Siavash, whose entrance into the world was coincident with his mother’s death, felt lonely of living with a father who found him. He abandoned his father and joined the society with wounded spirit and body. Life would not leave him alone with no punishment. Loneliness led him to make some mistakes, hoping to fix them, he made one after the other… “Hostility” is a satirical narrative of a man’s life searching for happiness. A parody of Rostam in the East and Oedipus in the West interface. Oppositeness of two cultures, in one “Filicide” destroys future and the other one “Patricide” destroys past and traditions.

Same as Don Quixote, Siavash faces the society drowned in his dream, trying to improve his situation and the world condition, however, his sword was not sharp enough in this battle.

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